


From Issue: 364 [Read full issue]

Living the Quran

Al-Munafiqun (The Hypocrites)
Chapter 63: Verses 9-11

Before the appointed time
"O you who believe! Let not your possessions or your children divert you from the Remembrance of Allah. Those who do so, shall indeed be the losers. And spend in charity from that which we have provided you, before death comes to one of you and he says: 'My Lord! If only You would give me respite for a little while, then I will surely give Sadaqah (charity) and be among the righteous.' And Allah grants respite to none when his appointed time has come. And Allah is All-Aware of all that you do.”

1- The mention of the possessions and children, in particular, has been made, because human beings mostly turn away from the demands of the faith for the sake of their well-being and interests. We also become involved in hypocrisy, weakness of faith, or wickedness and disobedience.

2- It implies everything of the world that allures us and absorbs us so completely that we become heedless of the remembrance of God. This heedlessness is indeed the root cause of all the evils.

3- If we only remember that we are not free, but the servants of One God, and that we will be held accountable one day, before Him for all our actions, we would never get involved in these deviations and would rectify ourselves when we realize our mistakes.

4- Whatever good we enjoy comes from Allah, and it is our duty to use some of it in the service of others, for that is Charity and service to Allah. Every unselfish act is a charity.

5- We must not postpone our good resolutions to the future. Death may come suddenly on us, and we cannot then be allowed to plead for more time. When our time of probation is over, we can't ask for more. Procrastination or laziness is itself a fault, and Allah knows every hidden thought in our minds.

"Towards Understanding the Quran" - Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi
"The Holy Quran" - Translation and Commentary by Yusuf Ali

Understanding the Prophet's Life

Finding a She-Camel

Man is dearer than any precious mineral, and more expensive than any pearl. That is why his presence is dear to the world of people, to the point that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: "People are like a herd of one hundred camels, within which you can hardly find a she-camel". The competent and good man is the elixir of life, and the soul of rebirths, and the pillar of messages and the pivot of reform.

Prepare what you want in terms of factories of arms and ammunition, and these arms will not kill without the fighting man. Write whatever number of laws and lists, and they will remain as ink upon paper if there is no man to execute them. You can also set up whatever number of education and teaching methods, such methods will not thrive unless there are the right men that will use them in their teaching. You can also appoint any number of committees and they will not establish one single project if they do not have the earnestly enthusiastic man. This is clear from actual experience.

Strength is not constituted so much by the sharpness of arms as it is constituted by the strength in the heart of the soldier. Justice is so much inherent in the text of the law as it is in the conscience of the judge. Education is not so much on the pages of the book as it is in the soul of knowledge. The realisation of projects does not lie so much in the constitution of committees as it is in the enthusiasm of those who execute them.

"Toward a Sound Awakening" - Yusuf Al-Qaradawi


In the attempt to extinguish a burning desire for ‘learning Islam or Deen’, many practicing Muslims, often take extreme approaches to the study of Islam that are devoid of practicality and spirituality.

In order to overcome this problem we need to unlearn, before we learn. In the previous Friday Nasiha we have concluded some misconceptions that we need to unlearn before we move on to learning Islam. This is a continuation of a new series on 10 tips to enhance our Islamic knowledge.

10 Tips to Enhance Our Islamic Knowledge

4. Be a scholar in your profession

Look for Islamic institutions that offer workshops and training programs that train Muslim professionals on Islam, in their respected professions. Professionals need to learn the ethical issues related to their work. We rarely see Muslims sharing Islamic knowledge at their job. For some reason we feel that Islam only needs to be applied in our personal life, and not in our professions.

If you are approaching your final years of university, try doing a research project, a thesis, or internship that incorporates Islam or issues concerning Muslims.

5. Use Books/CDs/Internet/E-Mail

We are blessed with resources such as books, magazines, websites, CD’s, email, etc due to the advancement of technology. We shouldn’t ignore or underestimate these beneficial resources if we do not have regular access to Muslim scholar to learn from. By using these resources, when an opportunity arises to spend a day, a week, or a year with a knowledgeable Muslim, we will be better prepared to benefit from their learning.

Don’t underestimate the power of books and articles! These resources let you analyze the information most effectively. Many people come to Islam because of ONE book.

Taha Ghayyur. “In Pursuit of Knowledge." Aver. January 2006: p. 24