


From Issue: 355 [Read full issue]

Living the Quran

Al-Isra (The Night Journey)
Chapter 17: Verse 13

We're Responsible
"We have fastened every person's omen (fate) to his/her own neck."

The causes that lead us to ultimate salvation, to our everlasting happiness or unending misery, lie within ourselves. It is the proper use of our natural faculties, our power of judgment and decision, our preference and choice which makes us earn either happiness or misery.

People who do not understand this concept properly hold external factors to be responsible for their fortune. The fact, however, is that our good or bad fortune rests with Allah.

If we were to critically examine ourselves, we would realize that the factors which had put us on the road to our hardship or led to us commiting wrong lay within ourselves - our own bad character traits and bad decisions. Our hardships were not thrust upon us by outside factors.

"Towards Understanding the Quran" - Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi, vol. V, pg. 29

Understanding the Prophet's Life

The Value of Time in the Sunnah

Time is the substance of life, the sphere in which man exists, the citadel of his spirit, and his substinence - him benefiting himself and others.

Al-Bukhari, al-Tirmidhi, and Ibn Majah narrated, on the authority of Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with both of them, that the Prophet said: "There are two blessings which many people lose: Health and free time for doing good."

Time is a precious blessing and a great gift, the value of which is only realised and benefited from by the successful guided ones, as indicated by the noble hadith, "which many people lose," implying that only a minority benefit from it, while the majority are wasters and losers.

"The Value of Time" - Abd Al-Fattah Abu Ghuddah, pp. 3-6

Free Tips!

Offensive Attack!

Here are few tips on how to launch an offensive attack on Satan:

1. The Best Offense is a Good Defense
We can never pray enough for Allah’s help; the five daily prayers, a night of bonding in voluntary prayers or simply ask Allah for protection from Satan and dupedom.

2. Get the Guide
Read, understand, absorb and live the Quran. It guides us with examples of how people in the past dealt with Satan, it consoles us in our struggle and it lights hope with the promise of paradise. [See, Quran: Your Gateway to a New World]

3. Follow the Leader
While Satan strives to lead us astray, we should remember the example of the Prophet who was sent to guide us to the right way. If we practice like the Prophet, we too can defeat dupedom!

4. Get Stacked
Don’t bear the brunt of the battle alone; you need the help of your friends. As the Prophet Muhammad said, “A person is likely to follow the faith of his friend, so look (carefully) whom you choose to befriend.” [Ahmad] A group of dummies are destined to be duped so find friends that feel the way you do about faith. [Check out Cool or Fool]

5. Never Stop
Satan is relentless. He won’t stop until he has us on a one-way trip to hell. We need to be just as persistent in the resistance, always purifying our hearts and filling our minds with the remembrance of Allah.

"Don't Be Duped" - Young Muslims' Latest Publication [Help Distribute]