


From Issue: 336 [Read full issue]

Living the Quran

Al-Hijr (The Rocky Tract)
Chapter 15: Verses 39-40


If I told you someone was going to climb through your bedroom window at 1:17am, grab your wallet, your watch and your cell phone, would you get your guard up?

You probably wouldn’t think I was serious, say ‘yeah right,’ and snuggle into your warm comfortable bed for a good night’s sleep.

What if it did happen? What if you woke up and found that your wallet, your watch and your cell were gone?

If it did happen, you’d be duped. That’s what.

Duped: conned, deceived, jerked around, fooled, played, tricked.

While these other words kind of give an idea of duped, they miss one important thing: to be duped is to see it coming, yet get hit.


If I told you I got news that someone was after you, that someone wanted to destroy you, that someone wanted to drag you into the depths of hell and was going to use all the resources available to do it, would you believe me?

What if Allah told you, would you believe Him?

What if that someone himself said it, would you believe it?

Check it out,

Satan said: “I will make things on earth seem attractive to them (mankind) and lead all of them to error, except those of Your servants whom You have singled out for Yourself.

Satan has explained it clear enough: we, mankind, have a sworn enemy. So what do we do about it? Well for one, DON’T BE DUPED! ... Click here to find out how!

"Don't Be Duped" - Young Muslims' Latest Publication [Help Distribute]

Understanding the Prophet's Life

The Danger of Semi-knowledge

Semi-knowledge, coupled with vanity and pride, is more dangerous and subversive than an admitted total ignorance, because the former is the ignorance of a person who is not aware of his limitations. Such ignorance manifests itself in various ways, the most important of which is sticking rigidly to the literal meanings of the texts in total disregard for their essence and purposes.

Let us examine the following text:

It is related in an authentic hadith that a Muslim should not carry a copy of the Qur'an when traveling in the land of the kuffar or the enemy. But if we examine the reason underlying this prohibition, we conclude that the Prophet (peace be upon him) prohibited this out of his concern that the kuffar might do harm to or defile the Book. In the absence of such harm or defilement, Muslims can take it with them wherever they wish. This is the customary practice among all Muslims today. Indeed, people of other religions and faiths now compete to distribute their "sacred books" and utilize all possible means in the process. Muslims are trying to do the same through translations of the meanings of the Qur'an for non-Arabic speakers.

The Prophet also did not permit a Muslim who had been away from his family for a long period of time to arrive back at night. He himself used to return only in the mornings or early evenings. There are two reasons for this. First, arriving home unexpectedly after a long absence may indicate that the husband mistrusts his wife and intends to take her unawares. This kind of mistrust is not acceptable in Islam. Secondly, it is argued that the prohibition seeks to give the wife the right to know of her husband's arrival so that she may beautify herself for him. But in modern times a traveler can come home any time he likes, on the condition that he informs his wife by telephone or by letter, telex, telegram, etc. Further, today's traveler cannot always choose when to travel, for he is governed by schedules and timetables. Therefore, such a prohibition cannot be taken at its face value; it must be analyzed on the basis of its original purpose and intent with regard to the circumstances of time and place.


Been Duped? Undupe!

People aren’t perfect: we will make mistakes. Satan dupes us by making us think that minor sins aren’t important. So we might think, “What’s the big deal if I tell a ‘white lie’?” The fact is, lies are lies and sins are sins, and as the Prophet said, even minor sins, “if a person is called to account for them, will destroy him.” [Ahmad]

So how do we repent for what we do wrong, whether minor or major?
  • Recognize what’s wrong and stop doing it right away.
  • Hate the action and regret that we ever did it.
  • Be determined never to do the action again.
  • If someone’s rights were violated by the action we should seek their forgiveness and set things right.

While we may end up falling into the same trap again, we can always repent and get back on the straight path. Only those people who give up and continue to follow Satan are duped and truly losers.

"Don't Be Duped" - Young Muslims' Latest Publication [Help Distribute]