


From Issue: 289 [Read full issue]

Living the Quran

Al-Zalzalah (The Earthquake)
Chapter 99: Verses 7-8

Atom's Weight of Deeds
"Then shall anyone who has done an atom's weight of good, see it! And anyone who has done an atom's weight of evil, shall see it."

An atom's weight

The early commentators on the Qur'an explain this phrase as "a mosquito" or "a particle of dust" which could be seen only when exposed to the light of the sun. These were the smallest things they could think of, and which may be referred to as an "atom". But now we know that the word "atom" refers to a definite thing which is much smaller than that "particle of dust" seen in the sunlight. For the particle of dust can be seen by the human eye while it is impossible to see the atom, even with the help of the most powerful microscopes in laboratories. It is only "conceived" by the scientists. None of them has seen it either with his eyes or with his microscope. All that they have seen is its effects.

The Precious Deeds

This atom, or what is similar to it in weight, whether good or bad, will be brought forth and shown to its doer, who will then receive its reward or punishment. At that time man does not undervalue any of his actions and deeds, whether good or bad. He does not say, "Oh, this is a trivial thing which has no weight or consideration". On the contrary, his conscience will be as sensitive to everything he has done as an accurate scale registering even the weight of an atom favourably or unfavourably.

The Believing Heart

There is nothing parallel or similar to this measure in this world, except the believing heart. For the believing heart is sensitive to even an atom's weight of either good or evil. But there are some hearts in this world which are unmoved even by mountains of sins and crimes. They remain unaffected while suppressing fountains of good which are far firmer than the mountains. These hearts are conceited in this earth but on the Day of Judgement they are crushed under their own burdens.

"In The Shade of the Quran" - Syed Qutb, Juz 30

Understanding the Prophet's Life

White Night

On the authority of Abu Hurairah, it is related that the Prophet, upon him be peace, would say:

Whenever any one of you retires to his bed, let him say: 'In Your Name, my Lord, I have laid myself down, and in Your name I shall rise. If You take my soul, then have mercy on it; and if You release it, then protect it in the way You protect Your faithful servants.'

If a believer ponders upon this hadith he cannot help but feel that his life, from one moment to the next, is a gift from the hand of the Lord of All the Worlds.

It may be that when he lays himself down for the night, he will rise again only on the Day of Resurrection. In this event, the believer's only request is for mercy. But if he rises to live another day, then his only wish is to live under the protection of Allah.

When the believer closes his eyes and prepares to go to sleep, he abandons his will for a period of absence that may be either short or long. Indeed, there are many who deliver themselves to the unknown. But the believer is the one who commits himself to the keeping of his Lord, and entrusts Him with all his affairs! Undoubtedly, Allah alone is the Protector. In whom, other than Him, can one place one's hope, or trust, to ward off evil or bring about good?

"Remembrance and Prayer" - Muhammad Al Ghazali, pp 37, 38

Cool Bits

Five Tools to Success

Imarn Hasan AI-Banna proclaimed that, "Our tools are the tools of our righteous predecessors, and our weapons are what our guide and leader, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions used to address the world, despite their limited number and resources. These tools are five.

1) A deep internal love of Allah and belief in His help and His support. "If Allah helps you, none can overcome you: if He forsakes you, who is there, after that, that can help you? [Qur’an 3:160]

2) A conviction that the Qur’an is a universally applicable guide. "There has come to you from Allah a (new) light and a perspicuous Book, with which Allah guides all who seek His good pleasure to ways of peace and safety." [Qur’an 5:17-18]

3) A strong sense of the rights and importance of brotherhood. "The believers are but a single brotherhood." [Qur’an 49: 10]

4) Firm reliance on Allah’s love and justice. "Because all their sufferings and efforts were reckoned to their credit as deeds of righteousness whether they suffered thirst, or fatigue, or hunger, in the cause of Allah, or took any steps that angered or confounded the unbelievers, or sustained any injury whatever from an enemy; for Allah does not fail to give a just reward to those who do good." [Qur’an 9:120]

5) Supreme confidence that they are among those chosen by Allah to bring truth, justice, and peace to the world.

"To Be A Muslim" - Fathi Yakun, pp 74, 75