


From Issue: 280 [Read full issue]

Living the Quran

Al-Imran (The House of Imran)
Chapter 3: Verse 138

Guidance for the Open-minded
This (i.e. Quran) is a plain Statement to mankind, a Guidance (Huda) and Admonition (Mauizah) to the God-fearing.

True Purpose of Quran
  • The Quran is not simply a book of laws--of dos and don'ts-- but it is foremost a book of Tarbiyya (improvement and training), and a book that develops and allows people to grow spiritually and morally.
  • That's why Allah describes the Quran in this verse as Mauizah, which involves warning the person about the consequences of his actions and it involves, as the English expression states, "putting the fear of God in him", as well as making his heart soft and submissive to the Truth.
  • Hence, the Quran is a book that is meant to reform the individual, either changing him if he were void of guidance or improving him if he already was walking along the Straight Path. It brings him out of the death of Jahiliyya (Ignorance) to the life if Islam-- a message that imbibes in him the feeling of love, fear, and responsibility to Allah (Taqwa).
The Linguistic, Unique, Revolutionary Style of Quran
  • It is interesting to note that after every law stated in the Quran, Allah closes the relevant verses with remembrance of Allah and promises of rewards for those who stay within His limits.
  • The following four are the characteristics of the Quranic style that make it a revolutionary message for all those are Conscious of God:
    • The Quran presents what actually happens as if the reader is witnessing the event itself by exposing all of the important aspects in a clear, vivid manner.
    • The Quran does not discuss essentially related matters in separate chapters like what one finds in science and philosophy books, but everything is tied together and presented as one unified, related whole.
    • At the same time, though, the Quran stresses various aspects of life in balance or proportion, as they deserve in Allah's sight
    • The Quran gives reality a life or breathing spirit that allows the Quran to influence the heart, soul, emotions, and intellect of the reader.
Message of Quran is Clear to the Open-minded and God-conscious
  • There are many people who know the Truth but who, nevertheless, remain immersed in falsehood either because they yield to their own desires and temptations, or because they fear to share in the  hardship which the followers of Truth may have to endure.

"How to Approach and Understand the Quran" - Jamaal-ad-Din Zarabozo
"In the Shade of the Quran" - Syed Qutb Shaheed

Understanding the Prophet's Life
Charity for Every Joint
Abu Huraira (May Allah be pleased with him) narrated: The Messenger of Allah (may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said:
Each person's every joint must perform a charity (Sadaqa) every day the sun comes up:
  1. to act justly between two people is a charity;
  2. to help a man with his mount, lifting him onto it or hoisting up his belongings onto it is a charity;
  3. a good word is a charity;
  4. every step you take to prayers is a charity;
  5. and removing a harmful thing from the road is a charity.
(Collected by Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
In this Hadith the Prophet (peace be upon him) has given us a few examples of acts of 'charity' (Sadaqa) that we should perform on daily basis. Charity in this Hadith doesn't refer to the act of giving money in Allah's way only, but in fact, it is a comprehensive term that includes any act or gesture that would help the community and would increase our awareness of Allah and His bounties. There are many out there in this world who think whatever power and material gains they possess today are due to their own efforts! However, Islam teaches us to reflect upon even the smallest of Allah's favours that we often take for granted, such as the smooth and proper functioning of our joints and organs in the body. We are taught to be humble and to thank Allah by being kind, helpful, and charitable towards our brothers and sisters, as well as to anyone in the society, regardless of their faith and culture. In addition, we realize from this Hadith that "Ibada" (worship of Allah) doesn't only include the devotion through acts of worship, but it also includes any action to help and support the community, done to please Allah, such as, visiting the sick, saying a word of advice or kindness, giving someone a ride to the Masjid or school, uniting two sisters or friends after an argument, etc.
First Step Towards Change!
The first step in self-development, is to concentrate single-mindedly on Paradise. Indeed, the one who is unsure of his destiny in life, torn between this world and the Next, like the one standing with his feet in two separate boats- will be thrown off the balance. Many of our difficulties that we face are due to this lack of commitment to this Goal.
The selection of our ultimate goal of Paradise may involve an absolute break with our past. To choose this new goal in one's life is in fact to choose a new life, to begin a new journey. Embark on this new journey by refreshing your Wudu (ablution) and offering two Rakas (units) of prayer, reminding yourself of all the punishment of Hellfire you have just resolved to avoid at all costs and all the rewards of Paradise that you will strive to achieve! Remind yourself also of the important landmarks on the journey: imagine death as near; imagine the moment when the Angel of Death will declare, "Your time is over, now you must follow me"; imagine that moment when you will be made to stand before Allah, the Most High, and image the consequences of the Judgment. When you have completed the two Rakas then make a commitment once more that all your efforts will be directed towards achieving Paradise, and ask Allah to help you.
While improvement in your habits and actions is a life-long process, the desire to achieve it can thus be sparked in a moment. This desire will provide the momentum for attaining your goal- The good pleasure of Allah and Paradise.
Let's take this first step towards Change!

"In the Early Hours" - Ustadh Khurram Murad