


From Issue: 416 [Read full issue]

Living the Quran

Al Imran (House of Imran)
Chapter 3: Verse 134 (Partial)

Repressing Anger
"… Those who repress anger and are able to forgive. And Allâh loves those who do good."

Self-control helps one avoid physiological and psychological harm as well as gain great rewards from Allâh being patient. In the verse above people who control their anger are put among those whom Allâh makes a promise to forgive and admit into Paradise.

Islamic Perspective

A man came to The Prophet of Allâh, peace be upon him, saying, “O Prophet of Allâh, command me.’  The Prophet replied, “Do not lose your temper.” (Bukhari).  The Prophet also said, “Strength is in the power to control oneself in anger, not in the size of the muscles.

The advice of the Prophet to control one’s temper was based upon his knowledge of the harmful effects of stress and anger on the person himself as well as on those surrounding him.  At the same time he knew that this advice was not easy to follow so he described a strategy that a person may use to control his anger.  He was asked, “So messenger of Allâh, what is the treatment [for anger]?”  The Prophet said, “If a man gets angry while he is standing up, he should sit until he regains composure.  Otherwise, he should lie down.” (Ahmad and Bukhari).

Scientific Breakdown

The feeling of anger creates hormonal activities in the body.  A gland named the adrenal gland located on top of each of the kidneys controls this activity.  The hormone adrenaline is secreted by the adrenal gland in response to any physical or emotional stress the body undergoes.  Such stress could be fear, anger, or a drop in blood-sugar level, disease or surgery.  The adrenal gland also secretes another hormone, noradrenalin, even though the main source of this hormone is the sympathetic nerve endings at the heart.  Both of the hormones are related to each other and are secreted into the body together.

One of the effects of anger is the increased production of these two hormones.  Since one of the two hormones is secreted by the heart, in a situation of anger, the heart is caused to work harder.  The heartbeat becomes faster and with an irregular pattern.  This change in the heart is so intense, it can be felt by some people while they are under stress.  In addition, by becoming angry and overworking the heart, the contractions of the heart muscles increase in order to supply more oxygen, placing pressure on the arteries.  For this reason, people with heart problems endanger their health when they become angry.  Patients with narrow arteries are at risk for heart attacks, as their arteries may not withstand sudden rush of blood to the heart.  Increased levels of the two hormones in the body also increase blood pressure, another health hazard for blood pressure patients.  Diabetics too are advised to control their temper, as raised adrenaline also raises blood sugar.  Diabetics may suffer from high blood sugar levels for extended periods of time as a result of physical or emotional stress.

Some anger may throw the entire body into turmoil and trigger serious health conditions for many people.  Perhaps, this is why the Prophet of Allâh emphasized the avoidance of anger by repeating his advice three times: “Do not get angry.”

Harrison, a renowned medical writer, states: “It is scientifically proven that the amount of noradrenalin in the blood can double or triple while standing quietly for five minutes.  Adrenaline is raised slightly by standing.  But different kinds of mental stress can significantly increase the blood adrenaline level.”

Simply standing quietly for five minutes may double the noradrenalin in the blood while slightly raising the adrenaline, a hormone mainly increased by anger and stress.  Obviously becoming angry while standing would place great pressure on the body.  Such is the value of the words of the Prophet of Allâh fifteen centuries ago, before the development of sophisticated medical investigation and study.  “If a man becomes angry while standing, he should sit down until he regains his composure.  Otherwise, he should lie down.” A medical prescription for all times.

Compiled From:
“When Tempers Hit Boiling Point” - Dr. Hassan Shamsi Basha

Understanding the Prophet's Life
It is Our Business

How many of us have looked to our brothers and sisters in Islam and have seen them straying from the path of Allah, and have turned our faces away? How many of us have seen our brothers erring and said to ourselves, it is none of my business? Well, it is our business for the Prophet (peace be upon him) has made it our business. In the hadith related by Tamim ad-Dari, the Prophet said, "The religion is nasiha." The people asked, "To whom?" The Prophet replied, "To Allah and to His Book and to His Messenger and to the leaders of the Muslims and the common folk." [Collected by Bukhari, Muslim]

[continued from previous issue]

Naseehah to the common Muslims

i) By guiding them to what will bring them benefit in this life and in the Hereafter.
ii) By removing harm from them and bringing them benefit.
iii) By teaching them what one loves for oneself and hating for them what one hates for oneself.
iv) By teaching them what will benefit them.
v) By commanding them what is right and forbidding them what is wrong with gentleness and sincerity.
vi) By being soft with them, honouring the elderly, loving and being merciful towards the youths.
vii) By not being deceptive and jealous toward them.
viii) Protecting their honour and wealth.

Compiled From:
"Directions to Giving Naseehah" - Kamil Mufti, Al Jumuah Magazine


Suspicion is one of the root causes responsible for the destruction of relations. One should not entertain a view about someone without solid basis. As one thinks evil of others, mutual love is replaced by mistrust and hostility. The following points may be borne in mind to help one overcome this weakness:

1. The first and foremost precaution is not to suspect a fellow Muslim. Nor should one create a situation which may give rise to any suspicion. One should avoid such actions which create suspicion.

2. If suspicion does not cross one`s mind, one should not attach any importance to it. For this amounts to a treacherous act towards a fellow Muslim. Rather, one should immediately clarify the matter with one`s Muslim brother or sister, thus putting an end to the suspicion. One`s silence might aggravate the situation further and one would be held accountable for creating suspicion against another person.

Compiled From:
"Inter Personal Relations: An Islamic Perspective " - Khurram Murad, pp 25-26