


From Issue: 411 [Read full issue]

Living the Quran

Al-Anfal (The Spoils)
Chapter 8: Verse 29 (Partial)

A Criterion
"Believers! if you fear Allah he will grant you a criterion and will cleanse you of your sins and forgive you."

'Criterion' signifies that which enables one to distinguish between true and false; between real and fake. This is the shade of meaning conveyed by the Quranic term 'furqan'.

The Believers have been assured that if they behave in a God-fearing way, Allah will provide them with the criterion (that is, the true knowledge and the right understanding of all affairs), to enable them to discern between right and wrong. Thus, if they so intend, they will be able to do the Will of God and follow the way He approves of. That criterion will serve as a signal at every turning, every crossing, every up and down and show them the Right Way, the Way of God, and warn them of the false ways, the ways of Satan.

Compiled From:
"Towards Understanding The Quran" - Sayyid Abul Ala Mawdudi

Understanding the Prophet's Life

Spreading Salams: A Source of Love among Muslims

The Prophet (peace be upon him) has taught Muslims the most unique and beautiful method of greeting each other: "By Him in Whose Hand is my life, you shall not enter paradise until you believe. And you will not believe until you love each other. And, shall I not lead you to something, that if you did, you would begin to love each other? Spread the greeting of Salam among yourselves!"

Therefore, if someone greets you, "As-Salamu Alaykum" (peace be with you), either you respond with similar words, "Wa-Alaykum as-Salam" (peace be with you too), or with something more, "Wa-Alaykum as-Salam wa-Rahmatullahi wa-Barakatuh" (peace, and the Mercy of Allah, and His Blessings be upon you). Hassan (may Allah be pleased with him) said, "While initiating the Salam is strongly recommended, its reply is obligatory (wajib)."

Imam al-Shafi reported that Abdullah ibn Umar (a well-known companion of the Prophet) used to sometimes visit the market place with no intention other than to say Salam to people there.

Majid Al-Daryabadi quotes a British woman, fascinated by this unique tradition of extending Salams among Muslims: "these gentle words of greeting each other as they pass, is a music to the ear. It is amusing to watch the dexterity with which two friends will sustain a competition in greeting - each endeavoring to outdo the other in compliments... master and the servant, the rich and the poor, the learned and the unlettered, great each other with the same dignity on both sides, leading to no loss of self-respect to either."

Compiled From:
"Tafsir Ishraq Al-Ma'ani", Sayyid Iqbal Zaheer, Vol II


Three Means To Nourish The Seed Of Iman

The Quran

It is a treasure-house of soul-stirring inspiration and wisdom. We can and should spend hours in understanding the Quran. Those who truly listen to the Quran, their eyes begin to well up with tears which trickle down their cheeks. We should always study the Quran as if it is being revealed today. One of the greatest injustices we do to the Quran is that we read it as if it was something of the past, and of no relevance to the present.


The Quran says, "bind yourself with those who call upon Allah morning and evening." As soon as you have planted the seed of Iman in your own heart, and you have recognised it in someone else and you find that he agrees with you, you feel ten times stronger. It has been proven experimentally that the group life is one of the most powerful forces to stimulate and inspire humans.


If the faith is there inside you, Da'wah is a necessary outcome of it. As Iman increases, you get motivated and you want to go out and tell everybody about what you know to be the truth and call upon them to join your mission.

Compiled From:
"Revival of the Individual" - Khurram Murad