
Living The Quran


From Issue: 962 [Read full issue]

Moral Light
Al-Baqara (The Cow) Sura 2: Verse 257

"Allah is the Guardian of those who believe: from the depths of darkness He leads them forth into light. And those who reject faith, their guardians are the Evil Ones: from light, they lead them forth into the depths of darkness. They are the inmates of Fire, and they will dwell in it forever."

Wali, translated here as 'Guardian', means a helper or a companion and a supporter. The word nur or light here refers to the light of reason, faith and practical and moral light, just as the word zulumat (depths of darkness) refers to error in terms of convoluted reasoning and corrupt morality. As the origin of the light of truth is essentially one - Allah, there is no confusion in it. For the same reason, it is one and not fragmented. Hence the word nur or light is in the singular. In contrast, the word zulumat (depths of darkness) is in the plural, because its causes are many and diverse and by nature it is chaotic and fragmented.

Guidance or error crucially depends on whether one turns to Allah or chooses to follow others apart from Him. If a person turns to Allah, He helps and supports him, and slowly and gradually frees him from bondage to his lusts and desires and brings him out of the darknesses of polytheism, unbelief and hypocrisy to the path of perfect faith and pure monotheism. If, on the other hand, a person turns away from his Sustainer and wanders off the path, he is taken over by the devil and his associates. They entice him away from the light of reason or evidence from nature and into the abyss of error and perdition. An empty house is haunted by demons, says a famous proverb. In like manner, a heart devoid of true human aspirations turns into a devil's retreat. A heart empty of faith is the abode of the devil. Devils keep such people in a state of constant confusion causing them to wander in diverse dark recesses of error.

Compiled From:
"Pondering Over The Qur'an: Surah al-Fatiha and Surah al-Baqarah" - Amin Ahsan Islahi