
Living The Quran


From Issue: 689 [Read full issue]

Right to Preach
Yunus (Jonah) - Chapter 10: Verse 99 (partial)

"Would you compel mankind against their will to believe?"

It has been the right of the members of all civilized societies to profess a faith of their choice and to preach it in a peaceful manner. Freedom of faith is logically linked with the right to preach. What one likes is preached by him for others. This right is universally recognized. However, this right is subject to the condition that no compulsion, temptation or financial incentive be there in calling people to embrace a particular faith.

For preaching and warning Allah prescribed the ruling for the Prophet (peace be upon him) that it should only be for conveying the message and for communication and understanding. Peaceful preaching was the golden principle of the mission of all the Messengers. As the main preacher of Islam the Prophet's mode was always peaceful, natural, flexible and based on proper communication. To this was added the excellence of his conduct. He stood out for his sincerity, his seeking good for everyone, his selfless devotion to Islam, his unfailing efforts in this cause and his readiness to sacrifice anything. He did so out of overflowing love.

Compiled From:
"The Prophet Muhammad : A Role Model for Muslim Minorities" - Yasin Mazhar Siddiqi, pp. 30, 31