
Living The Quran


From Issue: 660 [Read full issue]

Al Isra (The Night Journey) - Chapter 17: Verse 106

"And (it is) a Quran that We have divided, that you may recite it unto mankind at intervals, and We have revealed it by (successive) revelations."

The Prophet's arrival signalled a new and exciting era in the history of Yathrib. Hitherto a small, insignificant agricultural settlement, Yathrib was suddenly wrested from the obscurity in which it had been shrouded. Not only did it become the centre of history in Arabia, but also the hub of a cosmological event of stupendous character. It became the focal point of Divine revelation.

More than anything, it was the sound of the Quran that transformed the whole atmosphere of the place, its every aspect and element, into a new and sublime reality. The Archangel Gabriel was a frequent visitor, descending with portions of the Quran, in response to the situation. For the Quran was not revealed in its entirety on one occasion, but gradually in portions.

Exegetes have described this special manner in which the Quran was revealed as Munajjamun (in portions). It was not revealed as former Scriptures were believed to have been, in the form of a complete book. The impact of the Quran was so great for this reason, that it interacted dynamically with people and events, every revelation being concerned with a concrete happening or event.

Compiled From:
"Sunshine At Madinah" - Zakaria Bashier, pp. 45-46