Living The Quran
From Issue: 657 [Read full issue]
Striving for Social Change
Al Hajj (The Pilgrimage) - Chapter 22: Verse 78 (partial)
"And strive (jihad) in Allah's way as you ought to strive..."
The Arabic word Jihad means to strive ones utmost for an objective. In Islamic terminology, jihad refers to well thought-out, strategic and organised actions, guided by Islamic values and principles, taken by an Islamic movement to enjoin good, forbid wrong practices and to remove obstacles in the way of advancing positive social change. These actions, dependant on the context and circumstances, can be either intellectual, social, political or military. In other words, jihad engages a movement directly with the main stream of society and world affairs. This enables it to face the emerging challenges and to influence their direction for achieving an Islamic change. All possible means within the limits set by Islam can be employed for this purpose. In short, jihad aims at:
- Striving against the evils within oneself.
- Intellectually challenging ideologies, beliefs and ways of life that conflict with God's Way.
- Challenging and engaging with societal powers for eradicating social evils, immoral ways, and wrong practices.
- Striving to liberate people from oppression and injustice.
- Influencing positive social, economic and political change in society according to Islamic ideals.
Jihad is a duty upon Muslims. This duty cannot be ignored or evaded. All the noble Prophets of Allah strove against corrupt powers and unjust practices, and the Muslims are encouraged to do the same. Simply sitting in mosques, meditating, praising God and praying all day long without any practical efforts and struggle, cannot lead to much positive change in social conditions.
Compiled From:
"Building A New Society" - Zahid Parvez, pp. 158, 159