
Living The Quran


From Issue: 595 [Read full issue]

Brutal Threats
Al-Shuara (The Poets) Chapter 26: Verse 29

"[Pharaoh] said: If you ever serve a god other than me, I will most certainly have you imprisoned."

Tyranny does not fear anything more than the reawakening of people's hearts. It does not hate anyone more than an advocate of clear vision and right thinking. Its main opponent is the one who tries to awaken people's consciences. When Moses touched people's hearts with his description of God Almighty, Pharaoh was extremely angry. He ended the argument with a clear threat of force, which is the ultimate recourse of all tyrants, when they feel that any counter argument is too powerful.

Such is the argument and the evidence supporting it: a clear threat of imprisonment. The prison is available and the measure itself has been taken against others. It is a measure that exposes the weakness of falsehood when it faces the overwhelming power of the truth. Tyrants know no other way.

Nevertheless, Moses did not lose his composure. How could he have when he is God's Messenger, enjoying the support God has promised him and his brother?

Compiled From:
"In the Shade of the Quran" - Sayyid Qutb, Vol. 13, p. 26