
Living The Quran


From Issue: 594 [Read full issue]

God's Way
Hud (Hud) Chapter 11: Verse 19

"Those who would hinder (men) from the path of God and would seek in it something crooked: these were they who denied the Hereafter!"

God's way is a straight path that has been established by Him. What human beings must do is to know this path well in all its aspects and principles, and to infer new rules in the secondary matters of law, which are subject to change in parallel with the change of time and place, according to the main, unchangeable principles of this path. But those who do not believe in it, and the hypocrites, have always wished that this path were crooked, in accordance with their desires, and in order to serve their interests. So, to attempt to make changes in this path (Islam) or to make it appear different from what it really is so that its enemies may approve of it - such attempts, however intensive or extensive, have always been in vain - amounts only to a betrayal of the path.

Compiled From:
"The Quran: Annotated Interpretation in Modern English" - Ali Unal, p. 450