
Living The Quran


From Issue: 560 [Read full issue]

Al-Baqarah (The Cow) Sura 2: Verse 19

"Or like a rainstorm [sayyib] from the sky where there is darkness, thunder and lightning. They put thier fingers in their ears by reason of the thunderclaps for fear of death. And God encompasses the non-believers."

The word sayyib signifies the 'driving rain' that falls from the sky, and is a similitude for the Quran, by which springs the life of hearts, just as the life of the earth - its plants and animals - springs forth after a rain. When it reaches the believers, they know that it gives life, and does not endanger it. They are not repelled by its thunder and lightning, or its warnings, descriptions of punishment and similitude, by which God exhorts those who break His commandments and describes the place of those who reject His Prophet. Nor are they repelled by its rigorous commandments, such as combating enemies or patiently enduring. They are not repelled by those commandments which are hardest on the ego because they oppose its desires: 'darkness, thunder and lightning'. Anyone who knows about rainstorms and what life they bring, is not driven away by dark skies, thunder or lightning. In fact, he is drawn to them, and he rejoices in their promise of life and fertility.

On the other hand, the heart of the hypocrites is blind, and his vision cannot get beyond the zone of darkness. He sees only the lightning, and the mighty thunder and darkness, which repel and frighten him. He 'puts his fingers in his ears' in order not to hear the thunderclap, and is so startled by the lightning flash, its intensity and magnitude. In his ignorance he does not know that these things are common to rainstorms, which support not only earthly and plant life, but his own life. All he knows is the thunder, lightning and darkness, with no notion of what is behind them. And so a feeling of estrangement clings to him, and terror and apprehension will not leave him.

Compiled From:
"The Invocation of God" - Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya, pp. 68, 69