
Living The Quran


From Issue: 983 [Read full issue]

Knowledge and Deeds
Al-Nisa (The Women) Sura 4: Verse 69

"He who obeys Allah and the Messenger - such shall be with those whom Allah has favoured - the Prophets, those steadfast in truthfulness, the martyrs, and the righteous. How excellent will they be for companions."

This is one of the most comforting passages for believers who are engaged in their ordinary business of this world. If they have Faith and conduct their lives in accordance with Divine Guidance they will be in the company of the most august assembly. They will ascend to the top and will achieve glory of the highest rank!

Nimah is derived from the root N.'.M meaning to be prosperous, to be affluent or to flourish, to bloom or to be luxuriant, to be lush. Thus, it signifies the Grace, the Blessings and the Favours that Allah has bestowed on His obedient servants.

The Nimah that is mentioned here is neither wealth nor material prosperity, for these favours can be enjoyed by non-believers and tyrants as well. Nimah instead refers to the real happiness and contentment of hearts. Allah has endowed this Nimah in two ways: one by the provision of Ilm (knowledge) and the other by al-Aml al-Salihah (righteous deeds). All four categories of people mentioned in the verse above are the embodiment of Ilm and Amal. Thus, they are the ones who are on the path of righteousness.

Compiled From:
"Treasures of the Qur'an: Surah al-Fatihah to Surah al-Mai'dah" - Abdur Rashid Siddiqui